Tuesday, October 24, 2017

LCI Peace Poster Competition Rules

The contest is open to students who will be 11, 12 or 13 years of age.  Artwork must be no smaller than`13 inches by 20 inches (33 centimeters by 50 centimeters) and no larger than 20 inches by 24 inches (50 centimeters by 60 centimeters.)
Do not mat or frame artwork.
The contest cannot be held in YOUTH GROUPS THAT A LIONS CLUB SPONSORS such as Leo or Scouts.
However individual members of those groups may participate in the contest if it is held at their school or another organized youth group.

·         Only 1 entry per student and each entry must be the work all artwork must be the student’s original creation. Duplications are not accepted.
·         All media are accepted.  Note: Chalk, charcoal, and pastel entries should be sealed with a fixative spray to prevent smearing. Do not laminate entries.
·         3-D entries will not be accepted.
·         Nothing may be glued, stapled or attached to the artwork in any way.
·         The use of lettering or numbering on the front of the poster, in any language is not allowed. All artists’ signatures or initials should be written on the back of the poster.
·         Artwork should be done on a flexible material so it can be rolled for shipping in a mailing tube.  Do not fold the poster.
·         Participants accept all responsibilities for late, lost, misdirected or illegible entries. Entries sent with insufficient postage will be disqualified. 
·         LCI (Lions Club International) is not responsible for entries damaged, destroyed or lost during the judging process.
·         Entries cannot be acknowledged or returned; they become the property of the LCI upon receipt.
·         PPC (Peace Poster Contest) images cannot be used without written permission LCI.
·         PPC participants agree to allow LCI to use their names and photographs for promotional and publicity purposes.
·         The winners, in addition, the international grand prize winner to family members (One being a parent or legal guardian) and sponsoring club president or a club member (As designated by club president) are required to attend a rewards ceremony. An international grand prize winner is not eligible to receive subsequent prizes in future PPC sponsored by LCI.  By entering participants agree to be bound by these rules and the decisions of the judges and LCI. LCI may cancel the contest without notice at any time. The contest is void prohibited, taxed or restricted by law.

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