Monday, October 2, 2017

District 20 K1 Disaster Relief Effort

September 21, 2017

My Fellow Lions,

I have been deeply saddened by the current events unfolding in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Florida and the Caribbean. We have been hit consistently by nature. Whether it is global warming or not, it is not what is important but what can we do to help.  Heartbreaking natural disasters over the past few weeks have shaken thousands of families here in the United States and in the Caribbean.  Please consider a gift of financial support.  Any amount you decide to donate will be very much appreciated.

We are asking you to support LCIF by donating to LCIF and select ‘disaster’ to get a Melvin Jones Fellowship Award or to donate to the District 20 K1 relief effort.  It is easy to donate, all you should do is to send a check to ‘District 20 K1’ or to LCIF.  All money that is received by the district will go out.  None that is collected will stay in the district emergency relief fund.

The Lions of Florida have set up a ‘Florida Disaster Relief Fund” and we will also send donations to them.  I am also reaching out to the lions in the Caribbean to see how we can help them.

This is the time to be ‘LIONS’ and do what we do best, give and give and give again.  Our compassion to for others is immense and we can help keep hopes high by serving with honor and dedication.

Thanks for your support.

Lion Charles W. McBride, PMJF
District Governor 2017-2018

Lions Clubs of District 20-K1 (NY, USA)

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