Thursday, December 29, 2016

Recap of the First Health Fair hosted by Brooklyn Kings County and Winthrop Lions Clubs

The Committee, DG Jackie and 1st VDG Charley

Lions Kristie and Joan prepare the Membership Table

Thank you Ln Charley for use of the banner.
Last to arrive, first to win

Thank you Kings County Hospital
On Saturday December 17, 1016, Brooklyn had the first snow for the season and Brooklyn Kings County and Winthrop Lions’ Clubs held a Health Expo at the Brooklyn Public Library Flatbush Branch at 22 Linden Blvd from 11am-3pm.  It started off slow due to the weather but by the end of the event approximately 100 people passed through.

Besides Club members from Brooklyn Kings County and Winthrop Lions Clubs, there were representatives from Kings County Hospital Outreach who did hypertensive testing, representatives from the Fire Department, Representatives from Tots and Teens in Focus, TEAL, the District 20K1 Breast Cancer and Diabetes Committees, a podiatrist from NY Methodist Hospital, information about various other diseases and dental kits.  Walgreens donated the toys that Tots and Teens in Focus distributed to the children in attendance.  The Clubs were very happy to see so much children in attendance since they were curious about the diseases that affect our community.  Kings County Hospital ensured that all the Lions present tested their pressure.  Kings County Hospital staffers sent one client to urgent care due to the reading they took that day.  We also fed the vendors and visitors breakfast, lunch and snacks.  A few vendors and visitors expressed interest in joining Lionism.

There were many Lions in attendance including DG Jackie and 1st VDG Charley. This event was the brainchild of Lion Agard (Kings County) and Lion President Fraser (Winthrop).   We have to give a special mention to  Ln Wallace (Kings County) who donated the breakfast and drinks as well as arranging Kings County Hospital OutreachWe hope to do more health expos in the future.

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