Sunday, December 4, 2016

Leadership Training and New Member Orientation

Ln Gomez hard at work

The serving line
Event Committee and Volunteers

The Poinsettia went home with Event Committee Members

Lions Pitcairn, M. Fraser, Brathwaite, Holder (photographer Ln White)
Lions Agard, Haynes and Gomez

BKCLC Lns Present: Pitcairn, M. Fraser, Holder, Haynes, Gomez, Brathwaite, White, Agard
Theme: Recipes
Focus of training this Lionistic year: Mechanic and fundamentals
Ln. Charley- Recognition of Clubs and Dignitaries
Ln. District Governor- Website, My LCI- update the info periodically
  • ·       Use LCI to identify clubs in need of stabilization and recruitment needs for aging clubs
  • ·       Disconnect between Rojas mailing list and LCI

Ms. Harrison- Principal of Boys and Girls High School, the school is now a campus with mini schools.  She encouraged Lions to schedule more evens at the school

Register for International Convention in Chicago.  The Chicago 2017 convention will be a special event.  A commemorative coin was authorized.  $10 from each purchase will go towards LCIF.  Only 400000 coins will be minted for a total donation of $4 million dollars.

Go to for information club members may need.

Overview of Leadership Training


  • Official Uniform: Khaki bottoms, brown shoes, white shirt, blue blazer with NYS Emblem, tie for men, on the blazer you can wear the name tag, lions pin, Melvin Jones, Uplinger or Knights of the blind pins, and current District Governor’s pin
  • 2017 International Convention NYS Parade uniform- purchase white MD20 Polo shirt
  • Introduce guests of Visiting District level officers based on rank
  • Review Constitution /By-laws on an annual basis, every member should have copies, the Secretary should always have a copy on hand.
  • Suggest that each club use Robert’s Rules of Order for Club management.
  • Address Lions by their most recent titles
  • Congratulations to New Graduates from LCI Leadership Institute: Lns S. Fraser-Thomas, R. Ramone, P. Muir, A. Benjamin-Campbell
  • Ln Secretary should use recognition and awards to manage the club
    • Say thank you via a call, email letter, token
    • Chevron awards starting at 10 years
    • Community and Culture Award- 1 club per district
    • Excellence (Service award)
    • Extension (Membership)
    • GMT/GLT awards
    • 100% Attendance Pins: cheap and underutilized
    •  Big awards: Melvin Jones Fellowship, Lion of the Year, RJ Uplinger Award, Knights of the Blind, Alex T Wells

·        District 20k1 and Social Media

o   District FB page: LionsClubdistrict20k1NY

After training the over 100 Lions present enjoyed a sampling of the over 40 recipes in the District 20K1 Centennial Cook book.

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