Tuesday, June 27, 2017

2017 BKCLC Installation Recap- Excellence is a habit.

Installation Committee
Scholarship Recipient Off to Cornell

BKCLC Members

Youngest of 10

Lion Ava wins another Secretary Award 
Current and Incoming President

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle.

Congratulations to the Incoming Board.  As per Our incoming President Lion Layne she wants our service to be a habit. The DG swore in the Board, the incoming DG Charlie swore in Lion Layne.
IPP Lion Rosemarie and Lion Florence received Melvin Jones awards, the DG presented and Lion Kristie was awarded Lion of the Year, Lion Audry presented. Lion Keith received his fifteen year chevron from the DG.

Good job to Lion Wallace on chairing his first committee.

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