Friday, November 25, 2016

BKCLC Thanksgiving 2016 Baskets!!!

Packing the 19 Baskets for Thanksgiving 2016 
On Monday November 21, 2016 a few Lions went to Lion President's home to pack the baskets for Thanksgiving.  Lion President, Lions K. Fraser, B. Slythe, J. Holder, J. Agard, K. White, Y. Gomez. G. Walton, F. Campbell spend a good part of the day prepping and packing the baskets.  This year we packed 19 baskets to feed a total of 73 people 40 adults and 33 children,  While a large portion of the meat and staples were donated the club spent $230.10 to purchase onions, potatoes, flour and can vegetables.   Lion President's daughter Rochelle (non-Lion) donated the pies for the basket.  Each basket had turkey/chicken and ham, Sparkling cider and a pie as well as the macaroni cheese, cranberry sauce and gravy.  Each basket included enough staples such as rice, sugar, potatoes , flour, oil to feed each family for at least a week after thanksgiving.  We will thank the elected official for the turkey donation separately.  BKCLC helped 19 families, thank you BKCLC.  Hopefully we can help more families next year.

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