Monday, November 2, 2015

P.S. 238 Peace Poster Visit

Lions Encouraging Teachers to participate in the Peace Poster Competition
On October 22, 2015 Lion Joan Holder (PP, Peace Poster Chair ), Lion Johnny Prescod (PP), and Lion Cecilia Layne (1st VP KCLC)  visited PS 238 to meet with the Principal and staff to enquire about inviting students to enter the Peace Poster and The Essay contests which are both sponsored by Lions Clubs International each year.Children who are the age of 11,12 or 13 by November 15,2015 are eligible.
Lion Joan also reviewed the rules for the Peace Poster Contest. The Essay Contest is for a child of the ages mentioned who is visually impaired. The 1st prize is $5000 for each contest.  Leos who are in youth groups or schools other than just being Lions, are eligible to enter. See the President or Secretary of your local Lions Club for additional information.  Submitted by Lion Joan Holder.

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