Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Lions Club International Peace Poster Competition

This year our club's entry will represent D20K1 in the MD20 Peace Poster Competition.  This is a great honor.  The video above tells a little about the competition.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Celebrate the 60th International Leo Day!!!

Happy International Leo Day!
Dear Leos and Lions:

On December 5, 1957, Lions Jim Graver and William Ernst created the world’s first Leo club in Pennsylvania, USA. These Lions recognized the Power of We. They understood that young people possess unbound potential to lead positive change. They believed that when we come together, the world’s problems become smaller. When Lions and Leos serve together, the impossible becomes possible.

Over the past 60 years, the Leo movement has continued to grow into a network of over 7,000 clubs in 145 countries. Leos continue to build upon our association’s tradition of service to meet emerging global needs.

I have witnessed the commitment and perseverance of Leos both in-person and also through the International Leo Day Video Contest. Leos from 25 countries shared why they serve and how they have taken action in their communities. Please join me in congratulating the winners of the contest:
  • 3rd Place: Olongapo City Leo Club (Philippines)
  • 2nd Place: Juhu Leo Club (India)
  • 1st Place: Medan Stallion Leo Club (Indonesia)
Happy 60th Anniversary to all Leos! I applaud your continued engagement and efforts to tackle our world’s greatest challenges.
Dr. Naresh Aggarwal
Your International President

Saturday, December 2, 2017

BKCLC's Entrant won the District 20K1 Peace Poster Competition

Lion Holder, Emily with her award she received from BKCLC, and her teacher Ms. Azhar.

The D20K1 Winning Poster

On November 18, 2017,  the D20K1 judges selected the BKCLC candidate as the local winner of the 2017 Peace Poster contest. The winner selected is Emily Impoco of the P.S 99, Isaac Asimov School in the Midwood section of Brooklyn on E 10th Street. This entry was submitted by Joan S. Holder P.P, Peace Poster Chairperson 2017 of Brooklyn Kings County Lions Club.

Our congratulations and best wishes go out to our 11-year-old candidate, Emily Impoco as her poster will be judged with other clubs from within the MD 20 and possibly many different countries near and far a chance to win the grand prize of $5,000.

Submitted by Lion Joan Holder P.P. Chairperson,
Brooklyn Kings County Lions Club